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  • Writer's pictureSarah D

For the Kids - Chicagoland Penn Staters Doing Good

If you haven't figured it out by now, I am a proud Penn State Alumni. Two of the MANY things that is so impressive about this group of people is their continued acts of kindness for others and willingness to have a good time! This is my second year donating my time to the Annual THON fundraiser, which raises money for the Four Diamonds Fund and Penn State Children's Hospital in the name of conquering childhood cancer.

The Chicago-land Alumni guest were invited to bid on amazing silent auction items, play games, socialize and listen to inspirational stories from families that fought and won against cancer and those that fought and lost against cancer. This year's event was hosted at River Roast which was a great new venue for everyone and the Chicago Penn State Alumni Association did a fantastic job of planning the event.

A huge thanks for inviting me back -- although, I would have been there anyway :)

Money raised by the generous Penn State Chicago Alumni, exceeded last year's total. $13,200 went towards funding cancer research for children. Penn Staters world wide raised an incredible $10,045,478.44 FOR THE KIDS!


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